Results of the 2022 Caring Campaign
Help us thank our Sponsors and Donors for
making this campaign a successful event!
2022 Caring Campaign Sponsors:
Bell Bank
Bravera Bank
Cancer Center of North Dakota
Dunnigan-Dix Funeral Home - Troy and Cindy Senger
Cynthia J. Eggl, Author of "Boundless Blessings and God's Grace -
My Journey Through Breast Cancer"
Jill Eggl Lighting Design Studio, LLC
Eide Bailly, LLP
First State Bank of Cando
First United Bank
Bryan and Lavonne Haugen -
In Memory of Duane and Marie Haugen
Jorde Certified Seed, LLC
Ronald McLeod
Nodak Insurance Company
Rusty and Neva Papachek -
In Memory of Ron Papachek
Premier Wealth Management Group -
Brad Bergdahl, CFP and Brennen Bergdahl, CFP
Traynor Farms - Pat and Jamie Traynor Family
Westlind Group
Wilson's Body and Paint
2022 Caring Campaign Donors/Grant:
Geraldine Belzer -
In Memory of Terry Belzer
Robert Delorme
Larry and Dianne Hendrickson
Chris and Trina Kvilvang -
In Memory of John Elsperger
Darrell and Bonnie Leonhardt
Marlene Miller -
In Memory of Peggy King and Belle Walker DeVoe
Roger and Kathryn Miller -
In Memory of Doreen Hendrickson, Judy Deplazes, Tom O'Brien,
Danny Nass and Burton Westlind
Kip and Donalene Moore -
In Memory of the Arthur, Fox and Fuchsgruber Families
North Dakota Telephone Company - Dollars in Motion Program Grant
Northern Plains Electric Cooperative
Kim Overton
Overton Family Foundation - Sid and Karen Overton
Lane and Valerie Pederson -
In Memory of Manning and Janice Pederson
Leonard and Margaret Raddohl -
In Memory of Margaret (Peggy) King, Belle Walker, Doreen Hendrickson,
Tom O'Brien and Jean Egeland
Dorothy Rader -
In Memory of Charles Rader
Ruthless Pest Control, LLC
Amanda, John, Anna and Sara Thomas
Mike and Jan Weisz -
In Memory of Barb (Westlind) Ash