American Bank Center
Bell Bank
Cancer Center of North Dakota
Cando Greenhouse
Cynthia J. Eggl, Author, "Boundless Blessings and God's Grace -
My Journey Through Breast Cancer"
Family and Friends of Fred and Jan Eggl -
In Memory of Fred and Jan Eggl
Jill Eggl Lighting Design Studio, LLC
Eide Bailly LLP
First State Bank of Cando
Gibbens Law Office - J. Bruce Gibbens,
Nathan Gibbens and Michelle Gibbens
Bryan and Lavonne Haugen -
In Memory of Duane and Marie Haugen
Kip and Dalia Haugen -
In Memory of Kent Haugen
Jorde Certified Seed, LLC
Nicholas Farms
Nodak Insurance Company -
Jeff Miller, Agent
Rusty and Neva Papachek -
In Memory of Ron Papachek
Premier Wealth Management Group -
Brad Bergdahl, CFP
Ramsey National Bank
Cecil Reid - Class of 1945
SEI Investments
The Q Restaurant -
R.J. and Katie Miller and Family
Towner County Medical Center
Traynor Farms -
Pat and Jamie Traynor Family
281 Spirit Shop -
Chad and Jo Staus
Westlind Group
Wilson's Body and Paint